Power to the people

Power to the people

Duur 0:45:00 — Ma 2 december 2013

Power to the people

Prof. dr. Ewald Engelen, mr. Eva Joly and Martyn Clay discuss the power of multinationals. How do we reclaim control?

Prof. dr. Ewald Engelen, mr. Eva Joly and Martyn Clay discuss the power of multinationals. How do we reclaim control? Multinationals like, Apple, Shall and Starbucks bend laws to their own will, evade taxes and are associated with environmental pollution. But how do you hold these multinationals accountable for damage caused on the other side of the world?


Over deze serie

Power to the people

Hoe kunnen we zeggenschap terugwinnen op grote ondernemingen en zorgen dat multinationals zich bewust worden van hun verantwoordelijkheid? Met Europarlementariër Eva Joly en Ewald Engelen.