
Rights to a green future voorjaar

Duur 0:45:00 — Ma 19 december 2011


Luc Bovens addresses the climate change challenges from a philosophical point of view by investigating the case for a limited form of 'grandfathering' emission rights – i.

Luc Bovens addresses the climate change challenges from a philosophical point of view by investigating the case for a limited form of 'grandfathering' emission rights – i.e. of setting emission targets for developed countries that are more closely in line with their present level of emission than an equal per capita emission limit would allow. Grandfathering is a controversial position. Bovens will, in investigating what nonetheless may speak in favour of grandfathering, try and see in how far a note of dissent could be appropriate. To this end, he will develop an argument inspired by the British philosopher, John Locke.


Over deze serie

Rights to a green future voorjaar

Over mensenrechten in tijden van klimaatverandering. 21e-eeuwse vraagstukken dwingen ons opnieuw te kijken naar de filosofie en praktijk van internationale verdragen. Denk mee over duurzaamheid en global justice.