Superpower Brazil?


Superpower Brazil?

The world in motion
Cultural anthropologist Prof. Kees Koonings about the largest country of South America. Can Brazil find new paths to economic growth?

The time that Brazil was the progressive champion of the developing world, seems over. Growing social polarization, political instability, endemic violence and insecurity led to the presidency of the radical right wing politician Bolsonaro. Corruption and austerity measures created economic stagnation and led to rising poverty and inequality. Bolsonaro’s catastrophic mishandling of the Covid-19 pandemic and global concerns over deforestation of the Amazon even made things worse. How will South America's largest country recover? With cultural anthropologist Prof. Kees Koonings (UU and UvA).

In collaboration with the Centre for Global Challenges and SIB-Utrecht.

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Date & time
Tuesday November 9 2021 (20:00-21:30)
No registration is needed. But seats are limited and first come, first served.
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About this series

The world in motion

Journalist Sophie Derkzen (Bureau Buitenland, VPRO) interviews international experts about global power shifts.