Why Indigenous earth defenders are being silenced


Why Indigenous earth defenders are being silenced

Weg van de weerstand
Maya anthropologist Dr Genner Llanes Ortiz tells the story of the Indigenous environmental defenders of Central and Latin America. Why are they threatened?

This summer, Global Witness reported the highest number of killings of environmental defenders in a single year. 212 people were murdered in 2019 for standing up against international industries mining for gold, oil or copper. Many of these victims are Indigenous people. The 2007 UN declaration on the right of Indigenous people was supposed to provide protection, but fails to create actual safety on the ground. Maya anthropologist Dr Genner Llanes Ortiz (LEI) tells the story of the Indigenous defenders of Central and Latin America. Who are they and who threatens them? What can be done if the national legal system doesn't safeguard your life?

Lecture in the context of the course 'Sustainability as a worldview'. Also accessible to non-students. In collaboration with the Faculty of Geosciences.

Do you have a question for Genner? Mail us at info[at]sg.uu.nl, but swap '[at]' for '@'. We're going to do our best to discuss your question with our guest.


Date & time
Tuesday February 23 2021 (20:00-21:30)
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Weg van de weerstand

Ondanks de gestelde duurzame doelen en protesten voor een beter klimaat, boeken we nauwelijks vooruitgang. Wie of wat houdt ons tegen? Hoe doorbreken we de impasse?